
来源:Jaine DelVecchio

WYOMISSING,爸爸. -你准备好了吗? 赌博平台大全将开设一门名为“泰勒·斯威夫特”的新课程, 性别, 2024年秋季学期开始. The class will hold 100 seats with 50 spots reserved for current 博克斯 students and the other 50 spots available for incoming first-year students. 

Cross-listed as both a communication arts and sciences and a women’s studies course, it will take the unique approach of examining Swift’s cultural and musical impact and her portrayal in the media, rather than focusing on Swift’s marketing strategies or how her lyrics fit into literary canon like other universities' courses on the singer. 

该课程由米歇尔·拉姆齐(米歇尔·拉姆齐)开发并授课, associate professor of communication arts and sciences and of women's, 性别, 以及性研究. Ramsey’s research interests include representations of 性别 in the media, 女权修辞, 社会运动修辞, 政治修辞和对人文学科的倡导. 


The course will start with a three-week overview of the impact music has on personal identities, 音乐与政治的历史交集, 以及对女演员的性别期望. 该课程还将重点关注斯威夫特的职业生涯和媒体待遇, including subjects such as changes in 性别ed expectations in shifting from country to pop music; challenges faced by young female musicians as they move from adolescence to adulthood; and the public battles Swift has faced with other celebrities and media representations of those battles that include a tendency to pit successful women against each other. 

The class will meet as a whole one day each week to discuss the week’s content. Ramsey also wants to use class time to allow students to connect and build community by doing activities that encourage active learning. Students will break into smaller recitation sections to talk about the week’s readings. 在学期结束时, Ramsey and students will plan and hold a community-wide final project to celebrate Swift and what they’ve learned from the course.  

拉姆齐承认并不是一个长期的“斯威夫特”.“然而, she took an interest in Swift when she noticed the amplified online criticism of Swift’s songwriting, 指责她假唱, and Swifties dancing in the movie theaters and at her performances — which inspired her to create this course. 

“When you watch social media posts of the concerts or ‘Eras Tour’ movie screenings, 你会看到很多重要的事情发生,拉姆齐说. “你可以看到大批妇女——祖母们, 妈妈, 年轻女性, 青少年, 吐温类, younger girls and those who don’t fit into our strict social constructions of 性别 and sex identity — daring 占用空间 to enjoy something they love together.” 


When asked why she wants to teach the class, Ramsey narrowed it down to three reasons. 第一个, she wants students to understand the ideological power of the media to influence our ideas about who we are and who we want to be. 她已经在她的另一门课上做了这个工作, “身份, 公民身份, 以及美国恐怖电影的修辞.” 

其次, Ramsey wants to teach the course because of how powerful the messages in Swift’s songs are and how they have evolved since she began her career at 16 years old.  

“It’s wonderful that Taylor Swift’s music helps people feel empowered to be who they are, 占用空间, and to not allow themselves to be minimized or ridiculed because of who they are,拉姆齐说. “But it’s also the case that it's equally important to give students a vocabulary so that they can name the feelings and beliefs encouraged by her music.” 

最后, Ramsey is interested in how the messages of Swift’s songs can empower fans to “speak now” and reach fans from all age ranges and demographics, 从阿尔法一代到婴儿潮一代. 

“泰勒·斯威夫特不仅受到年轻一代的喜爱, 这是有原因的,拉姆齐说. “She shows vulnerability in her music by speaking honestly about her life and many of those tribulations are linked to how we treat most women in our society. Taylor’s songs speak to generations of people whose stories have not been the center of civilization, 电影, 电视节目或音乐.” 

因为斯威夫特是怀俄明州本地人, Ramsey knows that teaching this course in Swift’s hometown makes it a rare experience for students. The course encourages students to enter their “博克斯 era” studying the importance of something they love and leave with a better understanding of the expectations and pressures placed on women in our culture. And, of course, she plans on making this an experience students will remember “all too well.” 

有关课程的更多信息,请联系Ramsey EMR10@psu.edu


Dr. E. 米歇尔·拉姆齐

Dr. E. 米歇尔·拉姆齐, Associate Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences and Women's Studies
